“O no, not about social and communication skills…!”
? Does that drive you nuts?
Don’t worry. This course addresses your complex work situation. How do you convince an American to share information, to re-use, to use building block A instead of B, to run (more) tests, to buy? How do you get them interested? Why didn’t he react to your email in the first place? How do you deal with their resistance? You will learn about their values and how you can temporary adapt to their style. (No, you don’t need to crawl!) You won’t lose your own values or personality. Instead you will be visible and clear. You will learn how to convince them and how to work together in a pleasant way, without turning home feeling empty and frustrated.
This training is not rocket science. You can learn this and help yourself to improve. You need to get theory, steps, examples, assignments and practice so you can get started today with becoming top of mind.