“Do I get a certificate for following this training?”

No certificate, no reward, no accreditation.

You will get:

  • Americans who listen to you
  • Americans who are convinced by your ideas and proposals and act in line
  • more prestige and appreciation
  • a trustful relationship with Americans
  • more time
  • more energy
  • more pleasure

You will feel rewarded by your accomplishments. You will be more culturally sensitive and culturally intelligent, which will make you even more capable of doing your job succesfully. That will probably pay off.

“Why would I, as an American, recommend this training?!”

I see what you mean. You’re probably listening and seriously considering their proposals. Or maybe you have never heard any proposal from them or not a good one. Wouldn’t it be great if you would get a short and positive proposal? Wouldn’t it be great if you would be better understood? If you would understand them better? Wouldn’t it be great if you could trust them more? If you could cooperate in a fast and pleasant way? To have access to their expertise? It would save you time and money.

“How can I as an employee, convince my non-American manager, that I should do this course?”

To make it easier for you, I’ve added a pdf that you can send and discuss with your non-American manager.

In the pdf you will find examples of issues that you and your manager may recognize (left upper box), the results of the training that you like to achieve (right upper box) and details about this training (left and right lower box).

Please refer to this website www.4cunity.com for more information on: How the method works, the advantages, answers to possible concerns and how to sign up.

“How can I as an employee, convince my American manager that I should do this course?”

To make it easier for you and for your American manager, I’ve added a pdf you can send and discuss with him or her. It is especially for American managers.

Some parts of the pdf may surprise you. Your American manager or his or her group members might experience different issues in the working relationship with you, than you do. Or they might want to prevent these kind of issues. For instance, they might think you talk too much about problems, disadvantages and details. They might think that at times you are too direct, even rude or the opposite; vague and ambiguous, depending your cultural background. They might not understand why you don’t act in line with their feedback. They might think you react too slow when things change. I write ‘might be’, because it might not be so ‘bad’ or it might be only one of these issues.

I need to address their pain and issues (in pdf, left upper box) in order to show I understand their possible view. The training will improve the connection and interactions between both of you, via you. (in pdf: results of training, right upper box). This training helps Americans to understand you better, because you will start to communicate in a way they understand. A lack of mutual understanding is to blame. That is exactly what we are going to solve.

When you give/send the pdf, you might want to add that you would like to communicate more clear with them and that you would like to build a trustful relationship with them. That you would like to share your inputs, knowledge and expertise in a way they would recognize and appreciate and would suit you. Explain that with your cultural background you are accustomed to a different communication style than theirs, which can generate misunderstanding. Explain that you would like to understand Americans better and be better understood by them. Explain that you would love to be innovative together and make money together.

Don’t state in a negative way that you don’t feel heard or feel misunderstood by him or her or by your American colleagues even if you do. You might think: “Of course I won’t!”. Depending your culture, you might think: “Why can’t I just say that? It is the truth. We should be honest and open towards each other in order to work well together”. In one culture you can, in the other it is insulting. We will get into that in the training.

Keep your email or explanation short :). The pdf will help you. Your email title could be: ‘best method to ….’ or ‘fastest way to…’ or ‘how I can improve…’.

Good luck!

“Can I justify following this training to my American colleagues?”

You become clearer and faster in your communication. They will understand you better. I think they will appreciate that.

Americans will realize that what you are proposing is good for this market with these demanding customers. They get a clear and positive impression of you. They get access to your expertise. They notice that you contribute ideas. They feel helped by you. They get the feeling that they can trust you and that you solve problems. They can leave more to you.

Making good proposals is in the interests of yourself, the Americans, your company, project, future and your pleasure in the job.
Even if your colleague might be a little upset, feel and explain that you have the right intentions. He or she will soon experience the difference as you will manage to bridge gaps. By learning more about the American culture, you will learn more about yours, your past reactions, your new ones, etc. You will become better and better.

(Some Americans might consider us ‘weepers’ now, very negative, opinionated or extremely vague at times. “What exactly do they want to say? What do they want to achieve? They are slow. They put our chance to win and our profit at risk.” You want to prevent that image because it is based on labels and misunderstanding and will damage your cooperation.)

“I am just an ’ordinary‘ engineer, technician, manager, … Can I do this?”

The checklists and assignments are clear and easy to apply. You will see that you can do it by yourself. You can always approach the online community with any question. I will be happy to help you further.